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Sky tag light direction calculator (MaxScript, pre- lightmap rendering)

Calculates yaw and pitch using markers, and lists marker names and directions in the listener window.
Paste the script into a new maxscript window, and press Ctr-e to execute it

fn calcLightDir o = (
in coordsys world p= o.pos
pitch= atan2 p.z (sqrt (p.x*p.x + p.y*p.y + p.z*p.z))
yaw= atan2 p.y p.x
format "%: y=% p=%\n" o.name yaw pitch to:listener
for o in $'#'* where not (o.isHidden or o.isFrozen) do calcLightDir o

example output: (sky\space\space.sky)


#galaxy: y=-31.3977 p=23.5513#moon: y=-136.214 p=19.171
#planet: y=69.1061 p=-10.0734
#sun: y=98.216 p=-26.8489

F11 opens the listener window, from which you can then copy and paste the numbers into your sky tag.

swamp, Floofies and Takka like this

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